
Ann Buenaventura was born in Cebu City, Philippines. Even at an early age, she saw promise and raw potential in painting and drawing. Ever the pragmatist, she finished a degree in accountancy but there was nagging feeling, a strong need to be fulfilled by something more.
On a whim, she found herself enrolled in the Cebu Academy of Fine Arts and began her training under the tutelage of the Maestro Jose “Kimsoy" Yap, where Ann honed her skills in watercolor and pastel painting.
Seeking to improve her craft, Ann was accepted and awarded a scholarship to the the National Academy School of Fine Arts in New York where she was mentored in oil painting by no less than the famous internationally renowned artist and writer Sam Adoquei.
Ann has been parts of numerous exhibits and shows both in the Philippines and United States.
Ann currently resides in Playa del Rey, California where she continues to be inspired by the vibrant lifestyle and kaleidoscope of colors around her.
“I’ve always wanted to paint and make beautiful landscapes and still-life paintings. It meant entering a magic world where light and shapes create form, where texture and colors creates life. I am moved most of all by colors; where stories can be told, thoughts revealed, drama and emotions can be unveiled. What a wonderful playground of expression. Both the painter & the painted are explored, capturing the energy and the spirit of a moment for eternity.“ -- Ann Buenaventura
For original works and commissions please contact Ann at nyc_ann@mac.com
Ann Buenaventura's Drawing is published on page 35 of Samuel Adoquei's book
"How Successful Artists Study."
To purchase the book on Amazon, click here.